Customer Councils

An Initiative from the ministry of health and preventive, that connects customers and business owners to improve the services offered by the ministry by paying attention to their suggestions and feedback. These councils are conducted monthly to enhance the collaboration between business owners and customers and make it easier for both sides to share ideas and opinions that leads to a better user experience.

Customer councils objectives

  • Simplifying the communication between customers and business owners
  • Improving the services based on customers feedback & recommendations
  • Using customers suggestions in planning, designing and evaluating the services
  • Giving the customers the chance to share their ideas and suggestions
Customer councils intro


Total councils


Total Participants


Suggestions Implemented


Suggestions Generated

Upcoming Councils

MoHAP Customer Councils

Brainstorming about complaints about private health facilities and their medical staff

Date: Tuesday, 20-02-2024

Location: MOHAP

Target Group:Individuals

Objective:Listening to the customer's challenges, ideas, and suggestions to enhance the service based on their needs to serve them best.

Register in the council

Past Customer Councils

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Total Items:

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