Home Screening for the Early Detection of Colon Cancer

Subject Tittle 

As a part of the national agenda aiming to minimize death cases caused by the cancer via providing the early detection of the colon cancer in the primary health care centers, facilitating the process of the detection service has been discussed. The detection will cover a large pool of persons through the Home Screening Smart App for Detecting Colon Cancer


The team in the primary healthcare center aims to monitor the readiness of the society to accept the home screening; demonstrate how it can be generally and easily adopted and scaled up to all the persons above forty years old.


The Ministry of Health and Prevention will receive the suggestions of the audience and measure their readiness to accept the screening in order to be able to take the decision of activating the service and provide the process of implementation.


Download the survey result

To download the outcome file, Click Here


  • Open Date : 11/06/2017
  • Close Date: 12/07/2017

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