responsibilities Patient Charter


The UAE Government guarantees the patients’ rights and obligates them with responsibilities thereby making them a part of the process. All state clinics and hospitals are committed to "Patient Charter" which contains useful information and clarification about their rights and responsibilities, Patients can file complaints about improper service or malpractices to the respective health authorities


 A consultation will be held to indicators measuring community awareness of Patients’ rights and responsibilities via "Patient Charter" to ensure high standards of diagnostic and therapeutic services which are provided within the principles of integrity, honesty, and privacy


The Ministry will examine all indicators that reflect the community’s interest in the Patients’ rights and responsibilities then enhance “Patient Charter” awareness to achieve maximum satisfaction by providing high-quality medical service


Download the survey result

To download the outcome file, Click Here


  • Open Date : 26/11/2017
  • Close Date: 26/12/2017

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