Medical examination Centres for Residency in Shopping Malls


In accordance with the policies of the Ministry of Health and Prevention to provide comprehensive and preventive health services, the Ministry seeks to launch a number of medical examination centers strategically located inside various shopping malls with the aim of facilitating the client's journey--reducing waiting times and providing all services in one place, with the best methods, electronic systems and intelligent technologies.


Through this consultation, the Ministry of Health and Prevention aims to identify the opinions and suggestions about the importance and effectiveness of having medical examination centers within shopping malls—highlighting its role in facilitating and improving medical examination procedures within the Ministry's strategy to develop a labor system in the health sector within the state.


The Ministry of Health and Prevention will be working to receive public proposals and measure their satisfaction and happiness with the existence of such a service to help in deciding to make them operational and to publicize their work procedures.


Survey results in English


  • Open Date : 28/02/2018
  • Close Date: 01/04/2018

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