Seasonal flu awareness campaign


Within the Ministry of health and prevention’s strategy to develop health system in the country, the Ministry’s initiatives designed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in local communities and ensure that the skills of the country’s health workers are at par with the international standards. The seasonal influenza awareness campaign was launched to provide seasonal influenza vaccine to all citizens via different health centers and facilities. Through this sustainable campaign, the Ministry is promoting public health and raising awareness on the importance of vaccination


The Ministry of Health and Prevention will monitor the impact of the campaign in terms of increasing the flu vaccination coverage in UAE society. It especially aims to reach those who are most vulnerable to getting infected by the flu virus. Through this consultation, the Ministry will be able to measure the public's views and suggestions, helping government health authorities roll out effective related programs and campaigns


The Ministry will take into consideration all suggestions and feedback to be made by the public concerning the seasonal flu awareness campaign. It vows to intensify its awareness campaigns to reduce flu cases and prevent infection in the country


Survey results in English


  • Open Date : 25/12/2018
  • Close Date: 05/02/2019

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