Healthy and Positive Work Environment


In line with UAE vision 2021 and its national objectives, the Ministry of Health and Prevention has launched a healthy and positive work environment initiative, to enable the employer to promote the employees' health by imparting them the skills and information necessary to establish healthy habits, change misconceptions, and create a supportive environment for health


The Ministry of Health and Prevention represented by the Department of Health Education and Promotion aims through this consultation to measure the employees' awareness of this initiative, which aims to support the Government's approach of achieving happiness and positive in the work environment and involve them by offering

proposals for the development of such initiatives


Based on the results of the E-participation'healthy and positive work environment', the following has been taken into account

  • Develop the promotion process through social media channels on the importance of providing a healthy working environment
  • The program will be implemented in 10 additional entities in 2020

To download the outcome file, Click Here


  • Open Date : 06/04/2019
  • Close Date: 06/05/2019

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