Awareness campaigns on obesity and chronic diseases

  • Subject

    The Ministry of Health and Prevention has recently launched an awareness campaign on the dangers of obesity, chronic diseases and its association with Covid-19 to highlight the importance of public adherence to precautionary measures, healthy balanced diet and treatment plans set by doctors. The recently launched campaign comes in line with the ministry's strategy aimed at strengthening national efforts and protecting the health and safety of everyone while combating the Covid-19 pandemic.


    The Ministry of Health and Prevention aims through this consultation to  measure community awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle to overcome the challenge of obesity and chronic diseases, especially in the light of global reports and studies that confirm that people with chronic diseases and obesity are more likely to be infected with COVID-19 and be affected by its complications.


  • Implementing many activities and programs that consider the challenges that hinder the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Prepare a promotional plan to educate individuals about the importance of physical activity and how to make it a fun habit.
  • Implementation of lectures and research workshops to enhance society member's awareness about the types and basics of physical activity and finding solutions to overcome obstacles.
  • The implementation of several awareness workshops on the preparation of healthy food for members of the community and the issuance of 3 parts of the "easy and healthy" recipe booklet in Arabic and English and distributed to food outlets, schools, and shopping malls.

To download the outcome file, Click Here


  • Open Date : 15/08/2021
  • Close Date: 30/09/2021

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