About the Campaign
The customer councils are individual sessions that discuss pre-identified topics with the relevant stakeholders. The campaign aims to raise customers' opinions, ideas, and suggestions, to improve the ministry's services. This helps the ministry to get an idea of how the journey of customers is going and if they are facing issues with it.
Campaign Brief & Details
The customer council will be held in multiple sessions to discuss the following topics:
- Registration for medical product
- Local stores in the UAE
- Health Professional Evaluation - New Graduates. (Students)
- Health Professional Evaluation - New Graduates. (Students Affairs)
- Issue of a License for a Healthcare Advertisement
- Request for Price list of registered medicines
The process of the customer council is as following:
- View the user journey
- View the channels of the journey process
- Discuss the process itself (Easy, Hard, etc...)
- Discuss customers' recommendations and suggestions
- Conduct the service design and the improvement that needs to be added
- Define the challenges and recommendations
Contact Information
For any inquiries kindly contact customer.council@mohap.gov.ae