UX Lab for Renewal of a License to Practice as a Doctor

Purpose of the session

  • Determine how the solution helps customers.
  • Test & evaluate potential solutions with users to inform future state of the service 
  • Discover opportunities for improvement through customer feedback

Participant Details

26Years / Female / India / Licensing Manager
36Years / male / India / Assistant Manager
35Years / male / India / Administrator
35Years / male / India / HR Manager
40Years / male / India / Licensing Specialist
28Years / Female / India / Staff Nurse

Pain Points

·      At first, all users were focused on the content area rather than paying attention to the categories.
·      Most users wanted to have more information on the confirmation page such as the name and license number. 
·      Most users felt that the confirmation page was the last step in the application. 
·      Few users did not notice that the application was instantly approved


·      The Categories on the left side should function as filters, when the user clicks on applications it should show all the available applications, then the user can filter as he needs.
·      Add more relevant information
·      Reorder the steps making the confirmation step right after the review.
·      Refer to the patterns file in the design system for success screens.

To Participate Click Here


  • Open Date : 25/12/2024
  • Close Date: 25/01/2025

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