MoHAP, Dubai Awqaf sign MoU to exchange data

Published Thursday, 20 June 2024

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) and the Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation in Dubai have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at improving connectivity, integration, and data exchange services.

The MoU is specifically designed to streamline the process of reporting births and deaths via the Government Services Link (TDRA GSB), making the exchange of death notifications more efficient. The move comes as part of efforts to enhance integration between government entities and develop a robust infrastructure for swift and efficient data exchange. 

The MoU was inked at the Ministry’s headquarters in Dubai, in the presence of HE Abdullah Ahmed Ahli, Acting Assistant Undersecretary for the Support Services Sector; HE Ali Mohammed Al Mutawa, Secretary General of Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation, and senior staff from both entities.

The agreement primarily seeks to bolster communication and collaboration between the two parties, fostering effective partnerships to achieve shared strategic objectives. Success will hinge on the mutual exchange of relevant information and data from each party's area of expertise, coupled with joint efforts in executing projects to guarantee their efficient and timely completion.

Sharing data quickly & efficiently

Emphasizing the importance of collaboration and coordination with the foundation,  HE Abdullah Ahli highlighted that the MoU provides a practical example of cooperative effort as it facilitates the interconnection of data on death notifications, thereby enhancing the quality of health and social services provided to the community.

“The MoU comes as part of the Ministry's strategy designed to foster digital transformation in the health sector and develop a sophisticated infrastructure that enables rapid and efficient data exchange across various government entities. Through such interconnected system, information on deaths can be exchanged swiftly, accelerating the certification processes and updating health and administrative records in a timely manner,” Ahli said.

Furthermore, He pointed out that the Ministry has established an electronic link with multiple government agencies, including the Federal Authority For Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security. This connection updates the population data related to births and deaths, which is essential for generating statistical reports. These reports help decision-makers formulate future plans and strategies for the health sector's development while also providing accurate statistical data on the causes of death in accordance with the standards of the World Health Organisation.

Endowment environment serving the community

For his part, Al Mutawa clarified that the collaboration with the Ministry of Health in linking death notification data aligns with their shared vision for achieving integration and consistency in data and information exchange. This partnership falls within the framework of our strategy to promote digital transformation and enhance the efficiency of administrative and service operations.

He emphasized that this initiative supports the foundation’s objective of creating a sustainable endowment environment that serves the community in the religious, scientific, and health sectors. Additionally, Al Mutawa highlighted that the foundation is committed to leveraging modern technologies and communication tools to streamline endowment processes, ensuring they are completed accurately and efficiently.

Al Mutawa emphasized that the electronic connectivity with the Ministry enhances proactive follow-up, registration, and execution of charitable wills. It also ensures the rights stipulated in the wills are preserved and accurately documented. Furthermore, this connection establishes a reliable and effective database, which significantly improves the quality of services the Foundation offers to the community.

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