Ministry of Health and Prevention launches strategic framework for happiness and quality of life

Published Wednesday, 20 March 2019

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has launched a strategic framework for happiness and quality of life, in conjunction with the International Day of Happiness, which falls on 20 March of every year and in line with the National Quality of Life Framework, which includes 3 levels, 14 pillars and 9 goals.

The recently launched strategic framework features three key pillars including: Healthy individuals following healthy lifestyle, positive thinking and balanced life, Positive and harmonious work environment that supports positive interdependence and enables individuals to grow and develop and Flexible, accessible, effective and high-quality services. 

The strategy also features five enablers which involve taking advantage of advanced and innovative technological developments, partnerships to enhance quality of life and utilizing sustainable resources to enhance happiness and quality of life, making optimal use of knowledge management to create information exchange platforms to raise quality of life and managing health data to enhance the health agenda and quality of life worldwide.

UAE: The World’s Top Destination for Happiness.

HE Abdulrahman bin Mohammed Al Owais, Minister of Health and Prevention, affirmed the UAE government is doing its best to achieve the happiness and well-being of its people in line with the National Happiness and Positivity Charter, which was approved by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. 

The charter aims to turn happiness and positivity into a lifestyle, government commitment and a spirt that unifies the UAE society. This can be done through lunching happiness-related initiatives, projects, legislation and policies, in accordance with happiness indicators that measure performance in all government institutions and support the national agenda and the UAE Vision 2021, Al Owais said. 

The UAE spares no efforts to enhance its unique status as a role model for the sustainability of happiness and strengthen its key role as part of international efforts to achieve happiness and quality of life, he added.

Happiness Initiatives 

The minister added that the Ministry of Health and Prevention is playing its full part to promote the culture of happiness and quality of life among its employees, customers and the society, as evidenced by the launch of the strategic framework for happiness and quality of life besides other initiatives to realize happiness and positivity according to the best international practices. 

Al Owais noted the strategic framework comes in line with MOHAP strategy aiming to promote the healthcare of the community and provide comprehensive health services, which thereby cements the government strategy seeking to place the UAE among the top happiest, most active and influential nation in the world.

Strategic Framework aligns with the National Happiness and Positivity Charter

Dr. Nada Al Marzouqi, Executive Manager of Happiness and Positivity, said that the ministry’s launch of the happiness and quality of life strategic framework, reflects its efforts being made to implement the national happiness and positivity charter. 

To that end, the ministry has rolled out a number of initiatives such as the “Happiness Ambassador Programme” to enhance communication between all hospitals, health centers, various departments and MOHAP Executive Team of Happiness and Quality of Life, in addition to the e-Portal of Happiness, which was launched as part of the " Maharati' system, a healthcare learning and management system, at the Training and Development Center in Sharjah Al Marzouqi further said adding that the e-Portal will help MOHAP employees exchange ideas and positive practices

She highlighted that the ministry has also circulated the Customer Happiness Charter to all its customer happiness centers of the ministry and launched a Happiness Meter to capture customer happiness levels, which reached 92.5% by the end of 2017, one of the highest levels ever recorded in a government body.

Other initiatives, as Al Marzouqi reiterated, include the 'Healthy and Positive Work Environment, which support the government's approach of achieving and spreading happiness and positivity.

The 'Healthy and Positive Work Environment’ is an integrated initiative that aims help employers enhance the healthcare of their employees, provide them with necessary skills and information and establish healthy habits, she said, noting that MOHAP initiatives will positively reflect on improving employees’ quality of life, boosting their productivity, improving government services, supporting economic indicators and achieving the well-being and happiness of the society.

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