Ministry of Health and Prevention reveals the number of inspection Campaigns on Health and Pharmaceutical Facilities for the First Half of 2019.

Published Saturday, 26 October 2019
Ministry of Health and Prevention reveals the number of inspection Campaigns on Health and Pharmaceutical Facilities for the First Half of 2019.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) revealed that the inspection teams at the Health Governance Department have conducted 2435 visits during the first half of 2019.

The visits targeted 931 medical facilities, 1268 pharmaceutical facilities, and 236 medical warehouses, with a view to ensuring that all the medical and pharmaceutical institutions adhered to MoHAP’s regulations and standards through the constant monitoring and follow-up of these facilities.

This type of procedures is part of MoHAP’s strategy aiming to implement the national standards, strengthen the monitoring and supervisory role on these medical and pharmaceutical institutions and reinforce the role of inspection by increasing the number of those working as judicial inspectors across the country. In addition to using the latest medical technologies which ease and expedite the mission of the inspection teams in a precise way.

A Control and Partnership

Dr. Hessa Mubarak, Director of Health Empowerment and Compliance Department, said: “These inspection tours aim primarily to introduce MoHAP’s regulations and technical standards to the medical and pharmaceutical facilities in the private sector. The flexibility of our inspection teams upon dealing with the owners of these health facilities, as well as their continuous communication with them would help increase the adherence to these laws and also enhance the spirit of responsibility and self-censorship among those owners.”

“In addition to measuring the satisfaction of the owners of the health facilities with MoHAP’s services to reinforce their role as strategic partners in providing the medical services to the people,” Mubarak noted.

Criteria List

This list includes fundamental engineering requirements to ensure that these facilities are abided by the required space, considering the easy access and provision of services for all society segments, such as people of determination, in addition to respecting patient’s right to privacy.

Furthermore, the list also comprises the requirements of infection control by maintaining the health of medical staff, patients and visitors alike. In addition to vaccination standards in the medical facilities, as well as the requirements and ways of dealing safely with vaccinations. The aim of this criteria is to ensure the provision of outstanding services to the members of society.

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