Healthy Restaurant Accreditation

Service completion duration

  • 30 working days

Service fees

Service Rating

Average Rating : From 0 users

About the Service

It is an “optional” accreditation service that aims to encourage restaurants to provide healthy meal options in addition to the initial meals provided to customers, which contributes to enhancing the health of community members.

Service Process

  • 1
    The restaurant owner must complete the registration form.

    • 2
      The program coordinator will communicate with the restaurant owner wishing to participate in the initiative for development of the work plan by a nutritionist.

      • 3
        The restaurant owner must submit an application for evaluation to the program coordinator.

        • 4
          The restaurant will be evaluated and approved as healthy restaurant.

          Conditions & Requirements

          1. The restaurant must have a fixed location and offer integrated services.

          2. Have complete local control and authority in decision-making regarding the restaurant’s menu

          3. The restaurant must hold a local valid trade license.

          4. The restaurant must have received no more than two violation notifications over the past year from regulatory authorities, such as municipalities.

          Service completion duration

          30 working days

          Service fees


          Payment channels
          • None - Service is free

          Target audience
          • Restaurants

          Department name

          Health Promotion

          Sector name

          Public Health

          Main service

          Health Promotion Programs

          Service Code


          Service Classfication


          Service Type

          Government to Business

          Sub Service Type


          Related Services
          • This service is not linked to any other services

          Service Bundle

          This service is not linked to any bundles


          Registration guidelines:

          • “Healthy Restaurant I nitiative” registration form
          • Healthy Meals criteria

          The valid electronic seal is accepted for documents of government entities and companies.

          Required Documents
          • Registration form

          • Copy of valid trade license

          • Latest approved menu

          Sustainable Goals
          Good Health And Well-Being

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