About the Service
This service allows applications for the registration/ renewal of chemical precursor companies for the purpose of internal trade, to import for the purpose of end use, to import and export, as an intermediary for import and export trade, or as an end user for factories and companies dealing with chemical precursors. There are five types of MOHAP Registration Certificates: 1. Importing/ Exporting/ Trading Precursor Chemicals: The company is authorized to import/export and trade with precursor chemicals locally and overseas. The company should seek MOHAP approval for each import/ export Shipment prior to shipping. 2. Import as End User of Precursor Chemicals: The company is authorized to import and purchase the precursor chemicals for their internal use and manufacturing purposes only. Moreover, it is not allowed to sell the chemicals to other parties. The company should seek MOHAP approval for each import shipment prior to shipping. 3. End User of Precursor Chemicals: The company is authorized to purchase the precursor chemicals from local distributors for their own internal use only and they are not authorized to sell the precursor chemicals. 4. Domestic Trading of Precursor Chemicals: The company is authorized to buy and sell the precursor chemicals inside the country only. It isn’t allowed to import/ export precursor chemicals. 5. Intermediary Trading of Precursor Chemicals: The company is authorized to do the any documentation transactions for trading of precursor chemicals.