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The Ministry of Health and Prevention was awarded a 4 star rating by the Global Star Rating System for Services on 14/04/2022
Learn more about global star rating system for services
Learn more about global star rating system for services
Circular (412) 2014 concerning implementation of health accreditation in private health facilities is within 3- 5 years from the issue date of this circular. As follow: Hospital and one day care surgery: implementation within 3 years. Other healthcare facilities: within 5 years (available in arabic)
Services related to birth and death certificates previously provided by MOHAP are now under Emirates Health Services (EHS).
Circular (412) 2014 concerning implementation of health accreditation in private health facilities is within 3- 5 years from the issue date of this circular. As follow: Hospital and one day care surgery: implementation within 3 years. Other healthcare facilities: within 5 years (available in arabic)
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