Page 2 - Federal Law No. (4) of 2015 on Private Health Facilities
P. 2
Chapter One
General Provisions
Article (1)
In the Application of the provisions of this Law, the following words and expressions shall have
the meanings indicated opposite each of them, unless the context requires otherwise:
State : United Arab Emirates
MoHAP : The Ministry of Health and Prevention
The Minister : Minister of Health
Health Authority : The Ministry or any federal or local government health authority
in the State, each within its competencies.
Concerned Authority : Any authority that is directly or indirectly implementing the
provisions of this Law and its executive regulations.
Private Health Facility : A private facility providing health services to people, including:
the areas of prevention, treatment, and recovery, whether it is
owned or managed by a natural or legal person.:
Concerned Department : The department concerned with licensing and health regulations
in the health authority.
The Committee : The committee formed by the health authority and is responsible
for examining violations related to health facilities and their
The Competent Court : The Court of First Instance in which the health facility falls within
its jurisdiction.
Article (2)
Scope of Application of the Law
The provisions of this Law apply to all private health facilities in the State, including free zones.
*In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.