Issue an authorization to Import Narcotic Drugs

Service completion duration

  • 3 working days

Service fees

  • Application fee: 100 AED
  • Fees for importing narcotic drugs: 1% of the invoi...

Service Rating

Average Rating : From 0 users

About the Service

This service allows customers to apply for authorization permission to import narcotic drugs from outside the UAE for the purpose of selling or using them under the applicable laws in the UAE.

Service Process

  • 1
    Login to the MoHAP website or smart app using the UAE PASS.

  • 2
    The customer must submit an application for initial approval to import narcotic drugs and pay the application fee.

  • 3
    The application, and the documents and requirements will be reviewed by the officer in charge.

  • 4
    The initial approval will be issued by the Drug Department.

  • 5
    The customer submits the application for the final approval and pays the due fees.

  • 6
    The final approval of import will be issued by the Drug Department, and the cargo can be then released.

Conditions & Requirements

  1. The institution's license must be valid.

  2. The pharmacist's license must be valid.

Service completion duration

3 working days

Service fees

Application fee: 100 AED

Fees for importing narcotic drugs: 1% of the invoice value and a minimum of 200 AED for each permit

Service channels
  • MOHAP Website:

  • MOHAP Smart App

  • MOHAP Offices at Customs Ports

Service locations

Payment channels
  • E- Payment

Target audience
  • Pharmaceutical drug stores

Department name


Sector name

Health Regulation

Main service

Clearance, Import and Export Permits

Service Code


Service Classfication


Service Type

Government to Business

Sub Service Type


Number of Transactions


Required Documents
  • Copy of invoice from the country of origin.

  • Product Analysis certificate.

  • Product Registration certificate.

  • License issued by MOHAP.

  • Trade License.

  • Application form for importing controlled medicines.

  • Standard stock of medicines approved by MOHAP.

  • Letter of Commitment from the requesting hospital.

  • License of the pharmacist in charge.

  • Local purchase request from the requesting hospital.

  • Application form for narcotic and psychotropic drugs.

  • Technical report from the hospital performing operations.

  • Minutes of medicine clearance from the customs authority and approved by inspectors.

Sustainable Goals
Good Health And Well-Being

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