Page 4 - Federal Law No. (14) of 2014 Concerning the Prevention of Communicable Diseases
P. 4
Chapter 2
Notification of Communicable Diseases
Article 4
1. The following categories, whenever they know or suspect that a person has been infected
or died due to any of the communicable diseases listed in the section "A" of Table No. (1)
attached hereto, shall immediately notify the departments they are affiliated to, as per their
work institutions, within maximum of 24 hours;
a. Doctors in the government or private sector;
b. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the government or private sector;
c. Non-doctors and non-pharmacists practicing medical professions in the government or
private sector.
2. The following categories, whenever they know or suspect that a person has been infected
or died due to any of the communicable diseases listed in the section "A" of Table No. (1)
attached hereto, shall immediately notify the Ministry or the nearest health authority
a. Adult contacts of the patient;
b. The direct supervisor in study or workplace or the person suspected to be infected;
c. Captain of a ship, plane or public vehicle, if the patient or the suspected person is
traveling on any of them;
d. Director of any prison, hotel, camp, orphanage, or any touristic gathering or other
gatherings where the patient or suspect person is present;
e. Criminal investigator.
3. The executive regulations of this Law shall determine the procedures and means by which
notification is made and the forms used for this purpose
Article (5)
The Ministry, health authority and private health facilities shall, upon the discovery of an infection
of any of the communicable diseases mentioned in Table No. (1) attached hereto, inform the
concerned department, provided that the notification shall be immediate and within a maximum of
24 hours with regard to the diseases listed in the section “A” of the aforementioned Table, and
maximum of 7 days with regard to the diseases listed in Section “B” of the same Table.
The executive regulation of this Law shall determine the means through which notification shall
be made, and the forms related thereto.
Article 6
It is mandatory for every person knows or suspects that any animal owned by him/ her or under
his/ her supervision or responsibility has one of the communicable diseases that are transmitted to
humans and mentioned in Table No. (3) attached hereto must immediately inform the government
veterinary authority of the animal disease. If the veterinary authority finds out that the animal is
infected with a communicable disease, it must take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of the
disease or its transmission to humans and inform the concerned department immediately,
according to the executive regulations of this Law.
*In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.