Page 2 - Ministerial Decree No. 550 of 2017 on the Declaration of Death
P. 2

Annex to the Decree of the Ministry of Health and Prevention on the Declaration of Death

               First: Declaration of death resulting from complete cardiac-respiratory arrest:

               This  diagnosis  is  made  after  ensuring  that  death  has  absolutely  happened  due  to  complete,
               definitive, and irreversible cardiac-respiratory arrest as per the medical standards applicable in this
               regard to declare the death, as per the following:

                   1.  Spontaneous Respiratory Arrest (SRA)
                   2.  Absence of pulse and Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)
                   3.  Absence of heartbeats while using the stethoscope

               Second:  Declaration  of  death  resulting  from  complete  and  irreversible  loss  of  all  brain

               This diagnosis is made through specific cerebral guides, it is available at any hospital with an
               intensive care unit, and it is applied for any patient who meets the characteristics of death using
               the cerebral criteria.

               1.  Who is allowed to diagnose death through cerebral criteria?

               A  neurologist,  neurosurgeon,  internal  medicine  specialist,  intensive  care  specialist,
               anesthesiologist, pediatrician, or any specialist physician with sufficient experience to diagnose
               brain death can make the diagnosis.

               It is strictly forbidden for an organ transplant doctor or surgeon to be involved in diagnosing brain
               death in any way whatsoever.

               2.  Medical aspects of death through cerebral criteria:
               2.1 Definition:
                   Brain death is defined as an irreversible cessation of all functions of all parts of the brain,
                   including the brain stem.
               2.2 Conditions and exceptions for diagnosing death through cerebral criteria.
               2.3 Prerequisites for diagnosing death though cerebral criteria:

               The following conditions must be met before starting the process of diagnosing death  though
               cerebral criteria:

               a.  The patient is in state of coma due to specific and known cause;
               b.  The patient is under a ventilator and his respiration is not spontaneous;
               c.  That at least 6 hours have passed since the occurrence of accident that led to brain death, clearly
                   mentioning the cause of death (for example, head injury, brain hemorrhage, … etc.);
               d.  The patient should not be in a state of cardiovascular stroke;
               e.  That all metabolic and endocrine disrupting have been cured;
               f.  There should be no response to any type of stimulants;
               g.  Total absence of reflexes, though some simple spinal reflexes may appear;

               *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.
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