Page 4 - Ministerial Decree No. 550 of 2017 on the Declaration of Death
P. 4

a.  Pupillary response to light/ pupillary light reflex (PLR):

               A good and strong light source should be directed towards the open eye in a manner does not lead
               to any reaction, whether directly or indirectly, in the other eye of the person that is suffering from
               brain death.
               Both eyes should be tested, making sure not to use any kind of eye drops or medicine causing the
               pupil to dilate before the test.

                            Figure No. (2): Pupillary response to light/ pupillary light reflex (PLR)

               b.  Corneal reflex:

               Touch the cornea with a wick of cotton (Figure 3), you will notice that the eye does not blink in
               case of brain death. The test must be performed for both eyes and the pressure on the cornea must
               be heavier in potential brain death patients.

                                             Figure No. (3) Corneal Reflex Test
               c.  Vertical vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR):

               Stand at the head of the patient's bed, hold the patient's head steadily with both hands in a middle
               position, suddenly move the head to the right side, then move it to the left side.

               Monitor the movement of the eyes during the stages of the test by lifting the eyelids up using your

                                                       Figure No. (4)

               *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.
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