Page 3 - Ministerial Decree No. 550 of 2017 on the Declaration of Death
P. 3

2.2.2  Exceptions:
                   a.  The patient should not be hypothermic and the internal body temperature must be more
                       than 34 °C before the brain death is diagnosed, if it is less than that degree, the patient’s
                       body must be warm to raise the temperature;
                   b.  It must be excluded that the patient is under the influence of sedatives, hypnotics, drugs,
                       nervous system depressants, muscle relaxants and antidepressants. The blood levels of such
                       substances or the patient's medical history file must not indicate the presence of explicit
                       levels  of  sedative  drugs  or  muscle  relaxants  and  the  patient  did  not  receive  sedative
                       treatment in the past five days. A toxicological test should be performed, especially in cases
                       of traffic accidents, drug poisoning and cases of unknown coma, and in all cases that the
                       doctor thinks there is an indication for that. In case this is not available, the clarification of
                       death must be made after five days;
                   c.  Exclude patients with metabolic and endocrine disrupting;
                   d.  The  patient  does  not  make  any  action  indicating  cerebral  activity,  such  as  seizures,
                       decerebrate and decorticate posturing;
               2.3  How to diagnose death through cerebral criteria?
                    After making sure that the prerequisites are met and exceptions are excluded, it is necessary
                    to proceed to the clinical examination as per the death diagnosis document through cerebral
                    criteria and record the clinical findings in that document. After that, the examining physician
                    signs that document and the case shall be re-examined after the specified monitoring period
                    is passed and the death diagnosis document shall be signed again.
               2.3.1  Initial Clinical Examination:
                       1.  Ensure that the patient is a state of coma;
                       2.  Assess  the  patient  in  terms  of  the  presence  of  brain  activity,  such  as  seizures  or
                          movements  indicating  the  presence  of  decerebrate  and  decorticate  posturing  as  the
                          patient with brain death does not show any of that. The presence of spinal reflexes and/
                          or myoclonus does not preclude brain death;
                       3.  Examine the motor response to painful stimuli; for example, pressing on the frontal
                          sinus area does not lead to any kind of furrowed brow or grimacing (Figure 1).

                                 Figure (1): Examining the motor response to painful stimuli

               2.3.2  Brainstem reflexes test

               After carrying out the aforementioned initial assessment, the necessary tests must be performed to
               ensure the absence of brainstem reflexes according to the following order (the presence of any of
               following reflexes obviate the need to complete the remaining examinations):

               *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.
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