Page 3 - Federal Law No.. 15 of 2009 on Tobacco Control
P. 3

A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (4 4) )

               A natural or legal person shall not advertise, promote or make sponsorship for
               any  of  the  tobacco  products  by  any  means  aimed  at  encouraging  the  use  of
               tobacco, in accordance with the terms specified by the executive regulations of
               this law.

               Likewise, advertisements intended to encourage the use of tobacco shall not be
               printed nor published.

               Tobacco products shall not be a mean of advertising for another product.

                                                     A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (5 5) )

               Any of the following actions shall be banned:
               1.     Cultivation of tobacco for commercial purposes and the manufacture of its
                      products within the UAE.
                      The  farms  and  factories  currently  operating the  aforementioned  activity
                      shall  legalize  their  status  within  the  period  specified  by  the  executive
                      regulations of this law.
               2.     Selling or attempting to sell tobacco or its products to a person under the
                      (18) years of age. The seller has the right to request the buyer to provide a
                      proof that it has attained such age, and the excuse of unknowing the age is
                      not acceptable.
               3.     Importing sweets and toys that resemble tobacco or its products.
               4.     Selling or initiating the sale of sweets and toys that resemble tobacco or
                      its products.
               5.     Smoking while driving a private car if there is a child under twelve years
                      of age.

                                                     A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (6 6) )

               It is prohibited to display or sell tobacco products except in places designated
               for  that  purpose  and  licensed  by  the  competent  authority.  The  executive
               regulations of this law shall specify the controls for displaying and selling the
               tobacco products.

                                                     A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (7 7) )

               Smoking is banned in the closed public places.

        *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation
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