Page 5 - Federal Law No.. 15 of 2009 on Tobacco Control
P. 5

A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (1 13 3) )

               Whoever violates any of the provisions of Articles (2), (1.5), (3.5) and (9) of this
               law shall be sentenced with imprisonment for a period not less than one year and
               a fine not less than one hundred thousand AED (100,000) and not exceeding one
               million AED (1.000,000) or one of these two sentences.

               In the event of recurrence, the sentence shall be imprisonment for a period not
               less than two years and a fine not less than million (1,000,000) AED.

                                                     A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (1 14 4) )

               Whoever violates any of the provisions of Articles (3) and (4) of this law shall
               be sentenced with a fine not less than one hundred thousand AED (100,000) and
               not exceeding one million AED (1,000,000) .

               In the event of recurrence, the sentence shall be doubled.

                                                     A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (1 15 5) )

               Subject to the provisions of Article (10) of this Law, whoever does not abide by
               the order of the competent authority stipulated in this Article shall be sentenced
               with a fine not less than fifty thousand  AED (50,000) and not exceeding two
               hundred thousand AED (200,000) .

               In the event of recurrence, the sentence shall be imprisonment for a period not
               exceeding  one  year  and  a  fine  not  less  than  two  hundred  thousand  AED
               (200,000) .

                                                     A Ar rt ti ic cl le e   ( (1 16 6) )

               For any other violation of the provisions of this law, the competent authority
               shall  collect  an  immediate  fine  of  five  hundred  AED  (500)  ,  to  be  paid  for
               reconciliation of the incident.

               If reconciliation is not possible, the incident shall be referred to a criminal trial,
               and the sentence shall be a fine not less than three thousand  AED (3,000) and
               not more than ten thousand AED (10,000) .

               The sentence shall be multiplied as per the violations occurred.

        *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation
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