Page 15 - Federal Law No. (14) of 2014 Concerning the Prevention of Communicable Diseases
P. 15

Table No. (2)
                 Duration of Isolation of the Infected Persons and Duration of Quarantine or Isolation of

                  Disease     Duration of Isolation of the Infected   Duration of Quarantine or Isolation
                                             Persons                               of Contacts

                 Plague        a.  Bubonic Plague:                    -  Household and other close contacts
                              (In case there is no cough and the chest   of  a  pneumonic  plague  patient  are
                              x-ray  is  negative),  the  drainage  and   kept under observation for a period
                              secretions  precautions  shall  be  taken   of  7  days,  while  being  given  a
                              for the 48-hour period after the start of   preventive medicine.
                              the effective treatment.                -  In  the  event  of  rejection  of  the
                               b.  Pneumonic Plague:                     preventive medicine, strict isolation
                               Applying  strict  isolation  along  with   and  close  monitoring  shall  be
                               taking  the  precautions  for  infection   applied for 7 days.
                               transmission through air for 48 hours
                               after ending the appropriate treatment
                               accompanied     by   good    clinical
                 Cholera      -  Hospital isolation for severe cases  Monitor the patient's contacts who share
                                  along  with  taking  all  intestinal  food and drink with him/ her for 5 days
                                  precautions until the symptoms are  since the last exposure, and making sure
                                  cleared.                            that  their  stool  bacterial  lab  tests  are
                              -  No strict isolation is required.     negative.
                 Yellow       -  Stay the first six days of sickness in
                 Fever            a room protected from mosquitoes.
                              -  Take  precautions  regarding  blood
                                  supply and body fluids
                 Typhus       Isolation is not necessary after carrying  -  Monitoring contacts for two weeks.
                              out  the  appropriate  delousing  of  all  -  Impose  quarantine,  if  possible,  on
                              clothing  and  housing  of  patients  and   contacts  infected  with  lice  for  15
                              household contacts.                        days  after  using  the  appropriate
                 Diphtheria  -  Two weeks after recovery and the  Until  the  result  of  cultures  of  the
                                  period  may  be  shortened  if  the  laboratory examinations are found to be
                                  culture  of  the  throat  and  nose  negative,  food  handlers  (especially
                                  secretions are found to be negative  dairy products) who are very close to the
                                  in the laboratory examination, to be  infected  person  and  those  in  contact
                                  taken within an interval of twenty- with the patient who are at the same time
                                  four hours, (provided that the first  in  contact  with  children  unvaccinated
                                  examination  is  at  least  24  hours  against the disease.
                                  after  the  end  of  the  antimicrobial

               *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.
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