Page 13 - Federal Law No. (14) of 2014 Concerning the Prevention of Communicable Diseases
P. 13

Table No. (1)

                                  List of Communicable Diseases that must be Reported

                 Group (A) Immediately Reported Disease            Group (B) Weekly Reported Disease
                AFP (Acute Flaccid Paralysis)                 Amoebiasis
                Anthrax                                       Brucellosis

                Botulism                                      Chickenpox (Varicella)
                Cholera                                       Conjunctivitis

                Diphtheria                                    Encephalitis
                Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli           Giardiasis

                (food poisoning)                              Influenza
                Haemophilus influenzae invasive disease       Mumps

                Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/AIDS  Relapsing Fever
                Influenza, Avian                              Scabies

                Legionellosis                                 Scarlet Fever

                Leprosy (Hansen Disease)                      Sexual Transmitted Infections
                                                              Genital wart
                                                              Herpes simplex
                                                              Other --- specif

                Malaria                                       Streptococcal disease, Invasive, group A or B

                Measles                                       Streptococcus pneumonia invasive disease
                                                              (other than meningitis)

                Meningitis                                    Typhoid and Paratyphoid

                Pertussis                                     Viral Hepatitis (B,C,D)
                Plague                                        Other zoonotic diseases not elsewhere classified

                Poliomyelitis                                 Other unspedfied infectious diseases

                Rubella (including congenital)
                Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

               *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.
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