Page 16 - Federal Law No. (14) of 2014 Concerning the Prevention of Communicable Diseases
P. 16
- Isolation can be ended 14 days after
using antibiotics if no laboratory
test (culture) is available.
Mumps Respiratory isolation for 5 days after Isolation of schoolchildren and
the swelling of the parotid gland or workplaces for a period of 5 days from
seven days after clearance of the the start of infection if there are ready
swelling of the parotid gland contacts (not immunized)
Measles - Prevent children from going to If necessary, the quarantine for persons
school for 4 days after the onset the in institutions, wards, or dormitories of
rash. young children shall be for a maximum
- People hospitalized shall be period of 18 days from the last day of
respiratory isolated for 4 days after exposure to the infection, and strict
the onset of the rash. isolation should be applied for infants
for the same period in such institutions.
Whooping - Patients whose diagnose confirmed - Non-immunized persons of less than
Cough that they are infected shall be 7 years shall be excluded for 21 days
(Pertussis) respiratory isolated until complete (from school or other gatherings)
recovery. since the last exposure to the
- Suspected cases shall be isolated infection or until the case or contacts
from being in contact with young have received the appropriate
children and infants for at least 5 antibiotics for at least 5 days from
days since the beginning of the least treatment period of 7 days.
receiving the appropriate treatment. - If the person is immunized, he/ she
- Suspected cases are isolated for 3 shall not be put under quarantine or
weeks if they do not receive the excluded from school or any other
medicine. gathering.
Chicken Patients shall be isolated from school
pox and public places for 5 days or until the
vesicles dry up and make a fuse.
Cerebro - Respiratory isolation for 24 hours after Monitoring the household and close
spinal. starting the appropriate treatment. contacts to monitor the early signs of the
Meningitis disease (especially temperature) in
order to start the appropriate treatment
without delay, if necessary, for a
maximum period of ten days).
*In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.