MoHAP’s Health Promotion Department marks World Food Safety Day

Published Wednesday, 26 June 2024
MoHAP’s Health Promotion Department marks World Food Safety Day

The Health Promotion Department in the Public Health Sector has joined the global community in marking World Food Safety Day by organizing a series of awareness activities.

These included an awareness workshop to highlight the importance of food safety and the necessary measures to preserve food from spoilage, with awareness messages disseminated through the Ministry of Health and prevention (MoHAP)'s social media platforms.

Another workshop was also held, stressing the importance of following the recommended measures by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. An interactive competition on general food safety questions was also organised.

World Food Safety Day, observed on June 7 under the theme "  'Food Safety: Preparing for the Unexpected," aims to shed light on the importance of managing foodborne risks, contribute to food security and human health, and strengthen global efforts for food safety.

The annual occasion also aims to reduce the burden of foodborne diseases, raise awareness of food safety issues, demonstrate disease prevention through food safety, and promote solutions and methods for ensuring food safety.

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