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About riayati national unified medical records

Riayati platform delivers the National Unified Medical Record (NUMR), a digital healthcare platform, which connects more than 3,000 healthcare facilities, including public hospitals, private hospitals, clinics, day care centres, and diagnostic centres. It has been integrated with “NABIDH”, the Dubai Health Authority’s health information exchange, and ICP (Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security) and “Malaffi”, the Abu Dhabi’s Health Information Exchange platform to ensure the completion of a fully integrated, digitized, and centralized National Unified Medical Record for the UAE healthcare ecosystem, thereby transforming the nation’s vision into reality.

Riayati has also completed the integration with Alhosn national App, through developing a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) interface through which vaccination details can be shared with the Alhosn App. It also shares the vaccination details from the onboarded facilities in the Northern Emirates. This integration aims to strengthen the healthcare sector and achieve continuity of care in the UAE.

The NUMR platform through Riayati helps Healthcare Providers to provide better patient care experience and create a sustainable and efficient health system for the UAE.

National unified medical records in numbers

Last updated on October 2024

Connected Medical Records


Connected medical records

Unique Patients


Unique patients

Connected Clinicians


Connected clinicians

Connected Healthcare Facilities


Connected healthcare facilities

Riayati benefits for patients

Enhanced Patient Experience

Enhanced patient experience

When visiting the healthcare provider from any joining facility, patients don't require to carry their previous medical records, as Riayati provides patients' past medical information to their healthcare providers.

Improved Patient Safety and Quality of Life

Improved patient safety and quality of life

Improve health care quality and patient outcomes by reducing medical errors to ensure patient satisfaction and provide better clinical outcomes.

Better Servicing the Community

Better servicing the community

By preventing delays and providing better-coordinated care, especially for patients with chronic diseases.

Medical Expenditure

Medical expenditure

By reducing overall system costs resulting in a reduction in readmissions, and hospital visits thus creating overall savings for patients.

Riayati benefits for providers



Access to a holistic view of patient healthcare records through interoperability will help in early diagnosis and provide better treatment plans.

Cost Effective

Cost effective

Creating an efficient and sustainable healthcare system while reducing overall healthcare costs, will result in reducing duplicate orders, eliminating redundant procedures, and helping focus on novel therapies with better outcomes, thus creating overall savings for the UAE.

High-Quality Data

High-quality data

Giving greater focus on data quality through continuous upgrades of systems, standardization, and innovation. This will allow for the future implementation of services such as clinical decision support, UAE-specific clinical pathways, advanced analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.

Improved Preventative Health

Improved preventative health

Adding value to preventive care by risk analysis, reducing complications, and reducing morbidity and mortality by proactive interventions and patient engagement.

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