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Aligned with the Ministry of Health and Prevention’s commitment to listening to its customers and providing a seamless, fast, and exceptional customer journey, a series of co-creation activities have been conducted to engage customers, business owners, and strategic partners in enhancing and developing services and delivery channels. These activities gather opinions, preferences, suggestions, and feedback from customers and partners to ensure continuous improvement in the quality and efficiency of services provided.

Customer Councils

Co-Creation & Customer councils objectives:

  • Engaging customers, service owners, and strategic partners in designing the services and improving their efficiency.
  • Gathering customer feedback to develop services and enhance customer journey.
  • Designing services that align with customer preferences, meet their needs, and exceed their expectations.

Total number of Cocreation and Customer Councils

New proposals


New proposals

Implemented proposals


Implemented proposals




Total participants


Total participants


No customer councils to show for the selected category

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