Ministry of Health and Prevention provides an open data platform for the health sector data which reflects the attitude of our continuous development with participating the public and customers, for the sake of improving the general and specialized information.
In addition to give an orientation about Ministry of Health and Prevention mission and vision that had been authorized by law, with the full commitment of transparency, publicity, cooperation, participation and e-sharing concepts with governmental and non-governmental authorities which helps them to make use of our published information and reuse it, considering legal affairs and policies like copy rights and ownership.
What are the open data?
It’s available information, statistics and researches at MOHAP portal for public users (Students, researches, website visitors). It’s a public data by law helps the interested parties to use it as a reference to their research or sturdies. This data is produced as a result of MOHAP mission and privileges and all users and portal visitors should review policies related to it .
Policy goal
This policy aims to clarify policies on the management of open data on the website according to:
- Document the disclaimer on the website
- Terms and conditions existing on the website
- Privacy policy on the website
Application area
Limited the scope of this document on the website of the Ministry of Health & Prevention and given that the document is open for continuous development , its scope can be expanded as dictated by policy Emirates e- government and related instructions.
Terms of re-use of open data
- This is the data usable and re-use and re-deployment by any individual or legal person or government.
- When you use this data must be noted that the source of the Ministry of Health & Prevention in order to maintain ownership of the body of data and the credibility and validity of its source.
- The data must not misrepresent any user data or source or misleading others.
- These data should not be used for political purposes or to support illegal activity or criminal or used in racist or discriminatory purpose or Altogej or negative impact on the culture or equality or any other activity or incitement irregular or contrary to our customs and traditions. Comments
- Ministry of Health & Prevention is responsible under any circumstances for any direct or indirect , incidental or accessory , special or extraordinary , perhaps arising from the use , or inability to use this open data , including without limitation loss of income , loss of reputation , loss of business , loss of data or computer crashes or work malfunction, or any other damages .
- The user acknowledges the open on the website of the Ministry of Health & Prevention to use open data on the responsibility and the data body assumes no liability whatsoever to update all open data in the future especially when they are based on assumptions current and forecast may lead to the occurrence of certain risks and raise some doubts on the outcome of the results show a mismatch between the actual reality and the future expected and estimates.
- Body is not considered legally responsible for any damage which may be suffered by the user or any other person as a result of the violation of secrecy on the information that may be transferred from the user open data section and does not compensate them for it.
- The electronic versions of the documents, the Commission published on this website for informational purposes only , the final version of any document of the body, the version of the original printed and signed maintained by the Commission, if it has the document was signed by the authorized person , the final version is the original printed and signatories held by the body , in the event of any discrepancy between the documents Valenschh retained by the body to prefer other versions
- Ministry of Health & Prevention abandon all implied warranties and conditions with regard to information published in the Open Data section.
Guidelines on Use of Open Data on MOHAP website
The Guidelines on Use of Open Data are designed to explain the process of using open data through available data file formats and extensions, and set out the requirements and supporting programs, in addition to the Application Programming Interface (API) Manual.
Available Formats & Usage Process:
As part of the Ministry of Health and Prevention’s commitment to make the most of the open data provided to users and researchers, the Ministry has prepared the open data in multiple formats in accordance with the best national and international practices, in line with MOHAP requirements and policies as set out in the following documents:
- MOHAP Open Data Portal instructions
- Open data license on MOHAP website
- Statistics Request Management Policy of the Statistics and Research Center (Version 1 – October 2020)
- Enterprise Data Management Framework (Version 1 - December 2022)
- Operational Guidelines of the Statistics and Research Center (Version 2 – September 2023)
- Disclaimer document available on MOHAP website
- Terms and conditions available on MOHAP website
- Privacy policy available on MOHAP website
MOHAP provides open data in formats suitable for technical use by beneficiaries and researchers according to their needs and uses, including PDF-WORD-EXCEL-POWERPOINT. The open data is also downloadable.
Below is an explanation for each file format and how to make use of it:
Spreadsheet Software (Microsoft Excel)
A format that displays data in cells structured in rows and columns. Each cell contains data or formulas, with relative or absolute references to other cells. These files can be opened with Microsoft Excel.
Word Processing Software (Microsoft Word)
A word format designed to help you create high-quality, professional documents. With its powerful formatting tools, Microsoft Word helps you organize and write your documents more efficiently. It also includes effective editing and review tools that can be easily integrated with other tools. These files can be opened with Microsoft Word.
Slide Presentation Software (Microsoft PowerPoint)
It is a professional presentation program that creates a slide show of important detailed information. This virtual presentation software helps you create slides rich in details with texts and images that are displayed on a projector connected to a computer by a person (the presenter). These files can be opened with Microsoft PowerPoint.
Portable Document Format
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format developed by Adobe to present documents, including text and images formatting, in a manner independent of application software, hardware and operating systems. It is accessible to print and download, but files cannot be modified. These files can be opened with Adobe software.
The responsibility of Ministry of Health & Prevention
Ministry Of Interior data in the portal at the same time the body does not warrant that there are no remarks upon as such data as reported to it by the government agencies or as a result of providing services . Ministry of Health & Prevention does not guarantee the continuity of the provision of this data or part of it as it does not bear any responsibility for data users and what might fall on them from damage or loss due to re-use this data.
The responsibility of the user data
User data is to be responsible for re- use the data in the electronic gate of the body and should not result in re-use of this data any errors related to the content of the data and their origin and history.
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