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Content is retrieved from Sharik
13th Sep, 2023
   Al Hosn’s “Immunization vaccines” feature

In collaboration with the nation's health authorities, the Ministry of Health and Prevention has released a new version of the Al Hosn app, including the "Protection Vaccinations" feature for children under 18. This feature enables:

  • Easy access and track your children’s vaccine history.
  • Generate an immunization certificate for travel or other situations when vaccination is required.
  • Share your children’s vaccination history with their doctor with one click.

The enhanced Al Hosn application, hosted on the national cloud, is a collaborative effort with "Riayati" digital platform, an integral component of the National Unified Medical Record (NUMR). 

The latest update offers various digital solutions that help families monitor vaccination status and access their records quickly and conveniently. The user-friendly interface is designed according to the highest standards, ensuring seamless usage for all individuals. The new update also guarantees users access to accurate and reliable information, thanks to the collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Health and local health authorities.

Al Hosn App

Al Hosn app is part of the national healthcare platform as a technological enabler, serving the community through a digital platform for vaccinations and more in the UAE. "Al Hosn" was developed with the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) and local healthcare authorities. It provides a seamless user experience through modern technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, as well as access to the latest information related to a wide range of vaccinations and more.

The application maintains a comprehensive record of vaccinations for each user and offers a secure method to share vaccination data with relevant authorities and others. Download the app, or login to your account from here.

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