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About this service

This service allows the approval of medical leaves and the companion’s leave for employees working in the UAE government sector. It applies on medical leaves exceeding 5 working days and issued by licensed health facilities in the UAE, as well as medical leaves and the companion’s leave issued by health facilities outside the UAE.

Service process

  • Login to the MoHAP website or smart app using the UAE PASS

  • Complete leave and medical report details and attach the required documents

  • Receive approved sick leave electronically from MOHAP website or mobile application (for download or printing)

Required documents

  • For the required documents for the following:

    • Medical leaves issued from within UAE.

    • Medical leaves issued from outside UAE (at the expense of UAE).

    • Medical leaves issued from outside UAE (at the Patient’s own expense).

    • In case that the companion leave is outside UAE (at the expense of UAE).

    • In case that the companion leave is outside UAE (at the Patient’s own expense).

Conditions and requirements

  • In the case of medical leaves issued by a licensed medical facility in the UAE:

    • The medical leave should be attested through the "Attestation of Medical Leaves and Reports" service. After completing the request and paying the attestation fees, the user submits the request through the system and attach the medical report that has the same issuance date for the sick leave certificate including the medical diagnosis and dates of admission and discharge from the medical facility.

  • In the case of medical leaves issued from outside the UAE - at the expense of a government entity:

    • Submit a To Whom It May Concern certificate issued by the government entity that sponsored the patient's treatment abroad, stating the patient's name as well as the beginning and end dates of the travel for the treatment.

    • Submit a medical report with the patient’s name, attested by the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the medical diagnosis and the date of entry and exit from the medical facility.

    • Submit a To Whom It May Concern certificate issued from the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the patient's name, the beginning and end dates of the treatment, and the name of the government entity that sponsored the treatment abroad.

    • Provide a copy of the exit and entry stamps from and to the UAE airports or a copy of an e-statement of entry and exit movements from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship mobile app.

  • In the case of medical leaves issued from outside the UAE - at the patient's own expense:

    • Submit a medical report with the patient’s name, attested by the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the medical diagnosis and the date of entry and exit from the medical facility.

    • Submit a To Whom It May Concern certificate from the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the patient's name, the beginning and end dates of the treatment, as well as a note mentioning that the patient is traveling at his own expense.

    • Provide a copy of the exit and entry stamps from and to the UAE airports or a copy of an e-statement of entry and exit movements from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship mobile app.

  • In the case of a patient's companion leave outside the UAE - at the expense of a government entity (UAE citizen employee):

    • Submit a To Whom It May Concern certificate issued by the government entity that sponsored the patient’s treatment abroad, stating the patient's name, the companion’s name, as well as the beginning and end dates of the travel for the treatment.

    • Submit a medical report with the patient’s name, tested by the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the medical diagnosis, as well as the entry and exit dates from the medical facility.

    • Submit a To Whom It May Concern certificate issued by the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the patient's name, the companion’s name, the beginning and end dates of the treatment, as well as the name of the government entity that sponsored the patient’s treatment abroad.

    • Provide a copy of the companion's passport showing the exit and entry stamps from and to the UAE airports or a copy of an e-statement of entry and exit movements from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship mobile app.

  • In the case of a patient's companion leave outside the UAE - at the patient’s own expense (Emirati employee):

    • Submit a medical report with the patient’s name, attested by the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the medical diagnosis, as well as the entry and exit dates from the medical facility.

    • Submit a To Whom It May Concern certificate issued by the UAE Embassy in the country of treatment, stating the patient's name, the companion’s name, the beginning and end dates of the treatment, as well as a note mentioning that the patient is traveling at his own expense.

    • Provide a copy of the companion's passport showing the exit and entry stamps from and to the UAE airports or a copy of an e-statement of entry and exit movements from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship mobile app.

Service completion duration

14 working days

Service fees

  • Free

Service channels

  • MOHAP smart app

SDGs goals

Service locations


- Call Center: 80011111

- Email:

Payment channels

  • None - service is free

Target audience

  • Patients and their companions of all age groups working in the government sector


Service category

Business services

Main service

Sick leave and medical reports

Service code


Service classification

  • Government to customer

Service type


Sub service type


Number of transactions



In case of medical reports; this service will be limited ro leaves that exceed the duration of 5 days.

This service accepts documents authenticated with the UAE PASS Digital Seal.

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