The Dubai Medical District under the Ministry of Health (MOH) has recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company, also known as Du, to collaborate on the development of smart services. The MOA aims to launch and establish an innovative payment solution that will provide easier modes of payment for Du employees, Ministry personnel and the UAE public in general. Also, the partnership is aimed towards the exchange of skills and experience about smart services. The Ministry strategy is to create and launch initiatives to enhance the satisfaction of clients.
The MOA was signed by Nasser Khalifa Al Budoor, Director of Dubai Medical District and Fahad Al Hassawi, Chief Commercial Officer, Du on Tuesday, October 20, 2015, at the Dubai Smart Government stand during their participation at GITEX Technology Week 2015 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.
Under the terms of the MOA, both parties will work to encourage and promote the use of the latest smart solutions and alternative paying channels, such as in field of electronic health services, through electronic payment solutions, mobile phone payments, interactive phone and TV systems, online services, and short-term communication. This will allow the Ministry's employees to benefit from the latest smart solutions and electronic payment initiatives.
'Du' will create and establish infrastructure made of optical fiber in Dubai Medical District, in addition to enhancing the special solutions of the signal's range, and it will offer a group of packages to meet the demands and needs of the Ministry's employees.
Nasser Khalifa Al Budoor, Director of Dubai Medical District, said: "Dubai Medical District is committed to helping realize the UAE Vision 2020 set forth by country's wise leadership to facilitate the transition to a smart government and strengthen the presence of the UAE in the field of technology according to the best international standards.
The Ministry looks forward to collaborating with Du, a strategic partner and distinguished company known for offering next-generation state-of-the art services. This partnership will greatly support the country's objective to promote innovation and offer health and medical services through the latest and most advanced technologies. In addition, the collaboration will also greatly improve the Ministry's operations and employee performance."
Fahad Al Hassawi, Chief Commercial Officer, Du, said: "Technology and health are both fundamental components of the innovation strategy set forth by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. We are steadfast in our commitment to contribute to the wise leadership's vision of transitioning to a smart city, especially in the field of health services which is a significant indicator of progressive countries. This cooperation will allow the Ministry to offer creative solutions and services that will ensure the health of individuals and the over-all well-being of the community. This MOA will greatly benefit both parties and the society at large. It will also help open communication channels and facilitate the exchange of skills and expertise to complement the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives."
The MOA also features the joint partnership of both parties' internal departments to ensure and safeguard information security. Moreover, the signatories will discuss Dubai Smart City initiative and the promotion of the latest payment solutions through campaigns in mainstream and alternative media and other communications platforms.
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