Gulf Cancer Awareness Week
Share Start: 01st Feb, 2025
End: 07th Feb, 2025
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01st Feb, 2025 - 07th Feb, 2025
Gulf Cancer Awareness Week is an annual event that aims to raise awareness of different types of cancer, risk factors, and modes of treatment.
Official Date: February 1 – 7
Organized by The Gulf Federation For Cancer Control, Gulf Cancer Awareness Week aims to educate people on cancer and the crucial role of regular examinations in early diagnosis.
Key Focus Areas
- Shed light on the reality of cancer as a disease and defy the common belief that it is always fatal.
- Hold educational conferences and initiatives to raise awareness of the causes and prevention of cancer.
- Encourage individuals to undergo periodic examinations.
Top Facts
- Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the Gulf region; however, only a small part of the population undergoes periodic examinations.
- According to The Gulf Federation For Cancer Control statistics, leading a healthy lifestyle can prevent 40% of cancer cases.
- 40% of cases can be treated with an early diagnosis.
- Early diagnosis raises the chances of recovering in 98% of breast cancer cases.
- The Federation has also stated that women are more prone to having thyroid cancer than men who, in turn, are more predisposed to having colorectal cancer. However, early diagnosis and medical intervention can be 98.3% effective.
- People who follow a diet that is high in fat and poor in fiber should undergo regular checkups.
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