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Content is retrieved from Sharik
7th Jan, 2014
Healthcare Issues
1329 مستشفى كلباء تحتفل باليوم العالمي للتبرع بالدم.jpg�

Kalba Hospital in cooperation with the primary healthcare department in Sharjah Education Council celebrated the world donor day under the title “Safe Blood saves mothers’ lives’. Coinciding with the world blood donor day, the event included a number of activities such as the blood group test workshop, awareness lecture about the importance of blood donation, distribution of blood brochures about blood groups.

Furthermore, the health education committee in the hospital also displayed a photo exhibition about the benefits of blood donations to increase the community members from diseases that can be transmitted through blood such as thalassemia as well as the importance of conducting tests before marriage to prevent genetic diseases transmission.

The exhibition was attended by a number of visitors and the hospital’s medical team. At the end of the ceremony, Obaid Saeed Bin Fraish, Director of Kalba Hospital honored the regular donors of the hospital.

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