Masafi Hospital, Al Qassimi Maternity and Pediatric Hospital accredited by JCIA, announces Ministry of Health and Prevention
The Ministry of Health and Prevention has announced that Masafi Hospital in Fujairah and Al Qassimi Maternity and Pediatric Hospital in Sharjah were granted separate international accreditations by the Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA) after a rigorous assessment process conducted by fully certified arbitrators of the application of international accreditation standards. The JCIA team found that the two hospitals have complied with the best international practices, standards, and protocols for clinical services, patient safety, and manpower.
With this recent achievement, the Ministry of Health and Prevention will now be the largest contributor to the UAE's position as the world's number one in the number of health institutions accredited by the JCIA--with more than 200 health institutions contributing about 25 percent. Masafi Hospital and Al Qassimi Hospital Maternity and Pediatric Hospital will join the hospital family of the Ministry, having been accredited in December 2018, reaching the number of a total of three hospitals along with Al Qassimi General Hospital.
Masafi Hospital in Fujairah received an overall rating of 98 percent in complying with all international standards. The report of the Joint International Commission shows that most of the criteria have been achieved in full without any considered observations. Whereas, Al Qassimi Maternity and Pediatric Hospital got a strong approval score from the patients who expressed satisfaction over its services within a year after its respective opening. Part of JCIA’s evaluation was to conduct direct interviews with patients and the hospitals’ medical and administrative staff as well as with the Ministry’s central teams. The JCIA team also assessed the hospitals’ different departments, including technical and nursing, during its four-day assessment of all implemented policies, procedures, and protocols.
H.E. Abdulrahman bin Mohammed Al Owais, Minister of Health and Prevention said the latest development was a major boost to the country’s efforts to further increase the number of local health institutions recognized by JCIA. This is in line with the goals of UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda to enhance the competitiveness and ensure sustainability of local health services. The same objectives are geared towards making the UAE the number one country in the world with the biggest number of internationally accredited health institutions. Thanks to the leadership's keenness to provide the best resources to build an integrated health system based on the highest international standards. In line with UAE Centennial 2071, the UAE is considered as one of the best countries in terms of the quality of health care.
H.E. said: “This achievement coincided with the adoption by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, of the unified national standards for hospitals, which is aimed at achieving best practices in terms of quality of service delivery, patient safety, health care providers, hospital design, health information system, including medicines, patients and their families’ rights, linguistic diversity in the country, the rights of stakeholders and senior citizens of both sexes, to build quality, health, and medical safety systems in accordance with international standards.”
H.E. Dr. Mohammad Salim Al Olama, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Prevention said: “Obtaining accreditations strengthens the competitiveness of health facilities in the UAE and reinforces global community’s confidence in the quality of health services in the country. I commend the two hospitals, their management, and staff for their commitment to implement the best international standards in health services. My congratulations to them. This will further inspire us to push through until we meet the country’s 2021 health objectives.”
H.E also pointed out that International accreditation is one of the Ministry’s priorities to improve the quality of local health services, exceed expectations of society, keep abreast of global changes, adopt proactive strategies, and improve performance indicators and competencies. The Ministry comprises the largest global network in the number of health institutions accredited in the category of primary health care centers. It is also the first government entity in the world to obtain accreditation from a Canadian accreditation body for dental centers.
H.E. Yousif Mohammed Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for the Hospital Sector, praised the latest development, saying it is an affirmation of the Ministry’s commitment to raise the level of health services in country and flourish a culture of excellence at the institutional level as it aims to meet set targets and address the health needs of the population in accordance with the government’s directive for all hospitals to be consistent with the highest standards and global protocols. The Ministry reported that 53 health facilities in the UAE have obtained international accreditations by JCI in a span of four years, the fastest country to do so.
The JCI team conducted an audit in both Masafi Hospital and Al Qasimi Hospital to check their medical, technical, and administrative operations and procedures. After the hospitals’ successful application for international accreditation, H.E. Dr. Serkal noted a result, more patients are now staying in the country to seek medical services here instead of that the level of health services in the UAE is rising and the culture of quality and safety in the health sector is spreading. As going abroad for their treatment, News of local hospitals obtaining accreditations is also supporting the growth of the medical tourism industry.
“Congratulations to both hospitals and their teams. The Ministry of Health and Prevention will continue with its program seeking international accreditations for all hospitals and health centers in the country by 2021. Al Amal Hospital will apply for the same in the first quarter of next year, making it the first mental health institution in the region to embark on such an endeavor,” H.E. Dr. Al Serkal added.
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