Within the context of UAE Month of Innovation 2019 and under the theme “Innovate For Health”, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) organized the 2nd Annual Scientific Conference on Innovation in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
The conference was held at the Learning & Development Centre and in the presence of Mr. Saqr Al Hemeiri, Chief Innovation Officer, Learning & Development Director in Sharjah, Dr. Essam Houwair, Head of Accident & Emergency Department at Al Qassimi Hospital, Dr. Muhammed Nasif, Continuing Medical Education Director at Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Also, 18 of the most prominent experts in CRP field from inside and outside the country including the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), the American Heart Association (AHA), Emirates Society of Emergency Medicine and 256 participants from the technicians and doctors in CRP field from various hospitals across the country.
The conference touched on the latest innovations in CRP field, which falls under the national indicator umbrella to reduce deaths of cardiovascular diseases to be in line with MOHAP’s strategy to provide a comprehensive and integrated healthcare in innovative and sustainable ways ensuring society prevention from diseases and to achieve the UAE Vision 2021 aiming to adopt a global health system, in addition to delivering innovative healthcare services and adopting the recent scientific practices in CRP field.
The lecturers tackled several domains of CRP innovation and the experience of UAE in exploiting The technique of extracellular membrane oxygenation during resuscitation operations in a range of scientific interventions, such stroke treatment, high-temperatures relevant diseases and the challenges accompanying children resuscitation.
On the sidelines of the conference, two advanced workshops were held on learning the skills of extracellular membrane oxygenation and ultrasound scans during resuscitation operations.
Innovative Platform on Resuscitation Science
Mr. Saqr Al Hemeiri, Chief Innovation Officer, Learning & Development Director in Sharjah, said: “The conference represents an innovative platform to promote education and training in CRP field across the region. This is the 2nd edition of the conference with the participation of cardiologist experts. The organization of this edition was outstanding and characterized by building new scientific relationships, sharing experiences with the specialized consultants in the region, the matter that emphasizes the country’s leadership role in accomplishing breakthroughs in the CRP field.”
“Sharjah’s Learning & Development Centre introduced the first programme across the region to provide training for trainers on CRP, in accordance with the latest updates of the American Heart Association, and also the first programme across the country to train and license approved trainers from the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) for all cases of CRP,” Al Hemeiri added.
Country’s Efforts to Reduce Heart Diseases
Dr. Essam Houwair, Head of Accident & Emergency Department at Al Qassimi Hospital, shed the light on MOHAP and health authorities’ efforts, in collaboration with all private sectors, to reduce the reasons of heart diseases and ways of prevention whether the awareness or curative methods, in accordance with the National Agenda Indicators 2021.
Dr. Elizabeth Mary Mancini, Head of Educational Programmes Committee at the American Heart Association, addressed the latest scientific developments and its impact on CRP programmes training and ways of improving its outcome and positive reflection on patients.
Dr. Mary showcased the lecture of Dr. Carsten Lott, Head of Scientific Committee for Advanced Cardiac Life Support at the European Resuscitation Council, regarding the necessity of adopting new systems and protocols in all forms of resuscitation sciences,
to cope with the tremendous efforts exerted by Learning & Development Centre in terms of providing high-quality programmes of resuscitation international courses.
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