Ministry of Health Organizes Workshop about Improving Mental Health Policy

The Ministry of Health organized a workshop about improving the policy of mental health in the public sector in cooperation with the World Health Organization lately. The workshop was attended by Dr. Youssif Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for Hospitals and Nasser Al Budoor, Assistant Undersecretary and Director of Dubai Medical District and a number of doctors and specialists in the health authorities.
Dr. Youssif Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for Hospitals said: “The Ministry of Health enhances mental health in the UAE and creates suitable conditions and environments that would support the mental health of community members. Such workshops represent part of the progress of any nation and adopt the national mental health strategies”.
Al Serkal lauded the efforts of the world health organization in responding to support the goals and objectives of mental health workshops and working with the public health sector to disseminate these information and apply effective positive strategies and plans in this regard.
Furthermore, Dr. Saleha Bin Dhaiban, Director of Al Amal Mental Hospital in Dubai and Director of the national health program in the Ministry of Health, stated that the plan for enhancing mental health began in 2010 with launching the national mental health program. The program aims for initiating common strategies with the legislations department to set up a new draft legislation for mental health in the UAE.
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