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1st Oct, 2014
Healthcare Issues
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The Ministry of Health will participate in Gitex 2014 that will be opened in the Dubai world trade center between 12-16 October 2014. The participation comes as part of the ministry’s implementation to the directives of the federal government to achieve modern technology communication with the audience and satisfy the needs of the UAE nationals and expatriates with the latest health information.

In implementing the strategies of the federal government to transform into a smart government, use modern systems in the field of e-services to enhance the usage of modern technologies and benefit from them in medical and healthcare fields. As such, the ministry’s customers can receive these services round the clock easily and swiftly.

Awadh Seghayer Al Ketbi, Assistant Undersecretary for Support Services in the Ministry of Health, said: “The Ministry of Health was very keen to adopt the vision of the UAE federal government to transform all its services into smart ones in order to enhance the health of community members, provide comprehensive health services that coincide with international legislations, laws as well as local and international partnerships and improve the services of the federal ministry to gain the trust of its customers”.

Al Ketbi stated that the medical advertisement e-service enables the client to communicate with the Ministry of Health through an automated system that allows him/her to apply for any medical ad electronically by opening an account in the program. The applications include licensing of all printed, audio or visual ads about organizations, equipments, medical and campaigns. The ministry of health is keen to maintain the safety of the community members and improve its e-services regularly”.

“The patient smart portal, newest e-service aims for registering one patient in one registry, reducing medical errors, provide a high quality and effective secured system. Wareed is currently applied in 14 hospitals and 25 health centers. This important project aims for providing healthcare for patients and increasing communication between patients and health centers. The patient smart portal is used by patients and can be entered through internet. Patients can show their ID card when visiting any hospital or health center, provide the employee at the registration office with your email address followed by an invitation shall be the by email to participate in the portal. The patient is expected to accept the invitation and fill in the required information, create a user name and password”, Al ketbi concluded

The ministry of health was very keen to keep up with the vision of the UAE federal government. In this context, the Ministry of Health launched a number of smart phones and tablets provided by Android, windows, apple store, to provide smart services that highlight public health. The applications include services directory, doctors and technicians examination schedules, health awareness and guidelines, common drugs list, directory of licensed doctors by the Ministry of health services in order to provide customers with exquisite services; improve them regularly and enable the customers to receive these services round the clock quickly and easily. The new system also includes the latest smart programs such as the BMI, calorie counter, and ambulance call service. The search engine allows patients to search for the ministry’s hospitals and health centers easily or search for the nearest health facility through google map.

Additional e-services information

Health cards

Through these services you can apply to get (new / renew) your Health Card including the fees e-payment and application follow-up. These services are available for companies, service offices, and individuals. The site also provides a query service for the health care providers to check the validity of health cards.

Drugs Import Export

Registration and Drug Control Department been established with the establishment of the Ministry of Health, the competence of the Ministry of Health regarding the profession of pharmacy and pharmaceutical enterprises is managed by the federal Law No. 1 of 1972,where it called Pharmacy and Central Supply Department. In 1989 and according to the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 11 of 1989 been labeled as Drug Control Department, then Council of Ministers Decree No. 10 of 2008 rename it as Registration and Drug Control Department and also recognized the adoption of its organizational structure to include four sections:

  • Drug Registration Section
  • Drug Analysis Section
  • Drug Control Section
  • Pharmacovigilance and Drug Information and Poisons Section

Aims and Objectives

  • Possess effective tools for evaluation, follow-up and control the circulation of pharmaceuticals in general and pharmaceuticals drugs in particular.
  • Enable members of the medical professionals and workers in the field of health care, especially pharmacists to help people maintain their health and then manage various health challenges and by supporting the optimal use and rational drug including facilitating the transfer of information dissemination necessary for pharmaceutical preparations
  • Regulate of the pharmaceutical business sector in order to ensure its commitment to push the process of health and compliance with public health policy.
  • Achieve available database to all stakeholders to support induction and future planning for the development of different health and pharmaceutical policy

Sick Leave Attestation


The service aims to attest sick leave certificates issued by the private sector (less than 5 days) at the point of issuance, without the need to return to ministry of health customer service. The service also issues medical reports that can be used in the pension fund, early medical pension report to the pensions authority, medical exemptions, proportion of medical disability. It also approves certificates for entitlement to special needs parking, extend residency and labor visa, social insurance, courts and marriage fund.

Treatment abroad

Treatment abroad Department at Ministry of Health Provides an opportunity for citizens of the United Arab Emirates to receive excellent medical services through a global medical institutions in case of absence of the possibility to make this kind of medical care within the state. Applications for treatment abroad must be presented to this concerned department that books appointments for medical interviews, provides unavailable medication in the country, a certificate to accompany the patient, a medical report, end of treatment report, translation and authentication.

Private medical licensing

The main objective of Medical Licensing Department is to raise the level of healthcare services in the country and to regulate medical practices and licensing in private sector which includes Healthcare professionals and facilities according to federal policies and procedures.

Our main Services are:

  • All applications for the Healthcare facilities Licensing.
  • All applications of the Doctors and the Medical Staff Licensing.
  • Issuing the “Good Standing Certificates”
  • Issuing the electronic “Sick leave Certificates”
  • Medical complaints in the private sector.

Evaluation for Physicians and Technicians

The main elements that measure the validity of the Health Professional are:

  • The Academic level.
  • The experience validity and the continuity of practice in terms of good standing certification from licensing authorities.
  • Passing the MOH exams.

Furthermore, the Evaluation committee has a key role in categorizing and classifying the academic and clinical certificates which are related to the area of practice.

The targeted audience are doctors, physicians, dentists, pharmacists and technicians. The employment grade for the medical staff is based on the scientific qualifications, continuity in public and private sectors, professional development.

Examinations and interviews for different medical categories play an important role in determining the standards of medical staff when dealing with different sick cases. They also define the doctor or technicians skills in treating patients, abiding and applying medical ethics, authenticating medical, academic and clinical services for those working in the healthcare field, establishing international health standards that accommodate the medical practices in the UAE.

Good Standing Certificate Application Issuing good standing certificate for consultants, specialists, doctors and technicians who are working in the medical file or have been licensed or evaluated by the Ministry of Health.

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