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Content is retrieved from Sharik
30th Jan, 2020
Healthcare Issues

The Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, showcased, at the Arab Health 2020 taking place at the Dubai World Trade Centre, January 27 – 30, the latest updates of its innovative medical research project to produce stem cells developed for the first time, (still under experiments and research), to repair and regenerate the heart muscle.

MoHAP added that the project is still underway in partnership with Osaka University, Japan.

Based on tissue engineering, cells were produced after being grown in specialized human incubators to repair and regenerate the heart muscle. Stem cells can be used to treat many diseases such as cardiac hypertrophy and ischemic heart disease (Cardiac Myopathy), among others. It is known that heart diseases affect cardiac muscle in a way that prevents it from regenerating and causes lifetime complications for patients.

Innovative Solutions in Regenerative Medicine for Heart Disease

“The aim of our partnership with Osaka University is to provide innovative solutions for heart diseases to integrate with our preventive strategies and treatment methods. This can be achieved by strengthening the partnership with the world's leading medical research institutions and using innovative technology in healthcare delivery of research activities, innovative technologies, curative and consulting services, and related activities,” said HE Dr. Youssif Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for the Ministry’s Hospitals Sector.

This is in addition to enhancing cooperation in the capacity-building field, training in innovative skills and technologies, and learning opportunities through training courses, seminars, and workshops, exchanging visits of specialists and experts and establishing the infrastructure aimed at developing health care.

Bolstering the National Cardiovascular Disease Plan

“MoHAP is interested in strengthening the innovative medical technology of the stem cell therapy program. Stem cells can help restore cells function, enabling the body to repair, replace and regenerate damaged, flabby and diseased cells, tissues and organs,” added Al Serkal.

The National Policy Plan for Cardiovascular Care includes best comprehensive clinical practices ranging from developing standards for the licensing of excellence centers that provide health care for cardiovascular patients, training health practitioners in best global practices, preparing a national record of cardiovascular disease, expanding early detection campaigns and developing smart applications for risk factors, and palliative care services, he concluded.

Joint Clinical Studies

Dr. Kalthoum Al Baloushi, Director of MoHAP’s Hospitals Administration, said: “Regenerative medicine has become an active element in the treatment of many incurable diseases. One of the specialties of this medical field is stem cells which proved its efficiency in the treatment of heart disease. Stem cells are forming a significant development in the medical field, owing to its positive impacts on thousands of patients, where the stem cells can replace heart tissue damaged by heart attacks.”

Stem-cell therapy is the use of cells produced by adult human cells after reprogramming. It can grow to form multiple types of body tissues. Cardiac tissue slices will be placed on the patient’s heart to help restore its functions.

There are still, however, major obstacles to the widespread use of iPS cells in regenerative medicine, including differentiation into whole human tissues, improvement of cell quality, and more importantly preventing the growth of tumors from cultured cells.

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