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23rd Oct, 2019
Healthcare Issues

The Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, has signed a memorandum of understanding, MoU, with Novo Nordisk Pharma Gulf with the aim of enhancing cooperation in the innovation field, obesity treatment and employing the smart apps, research and training, and organizing awareness campaigns.

This comes as part of MoHAP’s efforts to bring about the best innovative practices and approved international protocols for obesity treatment in accordance with a specific timeframe and performance criteria.

The MoU was signed at MoHAP headquarters by H.E. Dr. Youssif Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for the Ministry’s Hospitals Sector and Dr. Ayman Hassan, Vice President and UAE General Manager at Novo Nordisk, in the presence of HE Dr. Salem Al Darmaki, Advisor to the Minister of Health and HE Jens Martin Alsbirk, the Danish Consul General in the UAE.

Also, present at the signing ceremony were Dr. Mona Al Awadhi, Director of Pharmacy Department, Deniz Maria Antaki, Commercial Advisor at the Danish Consulate Health Department, Mads Bo Larsen, Corporate Vice President at Novo Nordisk, Shadi Elias, Head of Patient Relations, Novo Nordisk, and Dr. Aseel Nassar, Public Affairs Advisor at Novo Nordisk.

The MoU covers several key areas including; exploiting innovation in establishing effective capabilities, bolstering the development of smart apps, conducting obesity-related researches and surveys and undertaking the treatment of some obesity patients.

In terms of raising awareness about obesity, the MoU includes utilizing the robot as a health educator in the fight against obesity in public centers, as well as organizing various campaigns, workshops, and creating effective presentations on the hazards of obesity and treatment methods.

According to the MoU, doctors and pharmacists will be entitled to obtain educational programs and clinical training.

Expanding Partners Network and Attracting International Expertise

While emphasizing the importance of expanding MoHAP’s partners network in the field of innovative treatment for obesity as per the National Agenda 2021, Dr. Youssif Al Serkal said that the MoU is part of the efforts made by MoHAP to raise the community awareness about the hazards of obesity and the associated chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Is also aims to bring about the best therapeutic methods to provide patients with a comprehensive and integrated treatment journey.

Al Serkal stressed the importance of the constant development of specialized cadres and the provision of appropriate training opportunities, pointing to the significance of utilizing the smart apps and robots in the dissemination of awareness campaigns on the risks of obesity in view of health and economic burden of obesity on production systems.

MoHAP’s Achievements in Obesity Treatment

Al Serkal shed light on MoHAP projects in the field of obesity treatment including the opening of the electronic care unit for bariatric surgery patients, conducting clinical research studies, and establishing a database to follow up on bariatric surgery patients, and measuring clinical performance indicators.

In addition, MoHAP has developed approved international protocols-based excellence centers for obesity treatment with a tailored diet for each case. The bariatric surgeries are also performed at some of the Ministry-run hospitals in the presence of a highly skilled medical team and state-of-the-art medical equipment.

The Innovative Options for Treatment

For his part, Dr. Ayman Hassan, Vice President and UAE General Manager at Novo Nordisk, said: “When it comes to obesity, it is not only losing weight but improving patients’ health and life quality. We, at Novo Nordisk, are focusing on finding out, developing, providing innovative options for obesity treatment to help reduce the health and economic consequences of obesity.”

“This MoU is constituting an initial step in the right direction in the fight against obesity, as we believe that public-private partnerships are the primary incubator for raising awareness about obesity as a disease and for building and strengthening capacities to find out appropriate treatments for obesity,” he added.

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