As part of its participation in the Arab Health 2020, Dubai, January 27 – 30, the Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, is showcasing one of the most recent effective and safe alternative to severe antidepressants, based on the technique of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation after having been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The MagVita TMS Therapy is a non-surgical innovative technology and it’s based on a series of magnetic impulses to the brain. Avoiding the side effects of antidepressants, no need for anesthesia and the patient's ability to resume daily activities immediately after the transcranial magnetic stimulation session to stimulate neurons in the part of the brain that controls mood and depression are among the most important benefits of this new treatment.
Furthermore, transcranial magnetic stimulation does not require surgery or implantation of electrodes. Unlike the ECT, frequent transcranial magnetic stimulation does not cause seizures or require sedation with anesthesia. Generally, repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation is considered safe and well-tolerated. It can be performed on an outpatient basis.
Improving Lives of Patients with Depression Through a Safe Treatment
“MoHAP is keen to enhance its health services for patients with mental illness to enable them socially and psychologically, so as to be positive and productive in society. This innovative treatment would help improve the lives of patients with depression. The treatment is provided by Al Amal Psychiatric Hospital and other psychiatric clinics of MoHAP to rehabilitate and support psychiatric patients in order to integrate them into society,” said HE Dr. Youssif Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for the Ministry’s Hospitals Sector.
This is part of the National Mental Health Policy which includes developing, strengthening and expanding the scope of comprehensive, integrated, and responsive mental health services to meet the needs of society in all its categories and ages.
Al Serkal pointed to the rapid development of MoHAP’s mental health services, the last of which was the opening of the first emergency department for mental health across the country at Al-Amal Hospital.
“This is in addition to dedicating a psychiatric treatment team for senior citizens. These services are part of the requirements of the National Mental Health Program, to achieve the social, psychological and occupational empowerment of the psychiatric patient, provide high-quality psychological, therapeutic, and rehabilitation services, and to develop societal psychological services,” he explained.
Expanding Scope of Therapeutic Options for Patients with Mental Illness
Al-Serkal highlighted MoHAP’s efforts to promote mental health services through the implementation of the National Mental Health Program, to develop and enhance the scope of comprehensive, integrated, and responsive health services to the needs of society.
This is in addition to promoting prevention of mental disorders, improving information systems, collecting, using and activating data, conducting mental health research through diagnostic surveys of common mental disorders, providing rehabilitation and supporting psychiatric patients, and integrating them into society, as well as early diagnosis and mobile psychiatric care.
He asserted MoHAP’s keenness on expanding its therapeutic options for mental illness patients and harnessing new technologies which include VR-based digital solutions for several diseases such as schizophrenia, psychosis, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as an innovative cognitive behavioral therapy program offered in primary schools to enhance resilience and combat bullying.
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