Preparations of Fujairah Hospital are in full swing for obtaining international accreditation, said HE Dr. Mohamed Salim Al Olama, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), during his recent visit to Fujairah Hospital and the Dental Center.
Al Olama was accompanied by HE Dr. Yousuf Mohammed Al-Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary for the Hospitals Sector in the Ministry, where he instructed to enhance the operational efficiency of the medical and nursing cadres and medical equipment, pursuant to the directives of the wise government that all health facilities will be internationally accredited by the year 2021, to be in line with the highest standards and protocols and to enhance the UAE’s position as a unique hub for innovation and medical tourism.
“Field visits are the best and most effective communication channel with patients. It helps listen to their suggestions and engage them in the development process of health facilities. We will thereby know which areas need improvements and thus rendering excellent services of top-notch quality,” Al Olama said.
Listening to Patients’ Suggestions
During the visit, the ministry’s undersecretary met a number of patients and listened to their observations. He also held a meeting with staff members, during which he was briefed on their future aspirations about the health sector and the work mechanisms at the hospital.
Al Olama called on the hospital’s cadres and management to exert further efforts and adopt innovative solutions enabling them to provide the best services, meet patients’ needs, exploit smart services, attract the best international practices and experiences, and provide an innovation-attracting environment.
As part of MoHAP’s keenness on providing a world-class efficient and effective pharmaceutical system, Al Olama was briefed on the latest updates of the robotic pharmacy and the system of dispensing medicines based on the new innovations in the drug safety field.
This would help reduce patient waiting time, establish a more efficient stock management while reducing medical errors using barcodes and keeping medicines in the best condition.
M-Gene Project
MoHAP’s undersecretary pointed out the Fujairah Hospital is adopting the latest technologies in the medical field such the AI technology, noting that the hospital has played an important role in the M-Gene project, a smart tool offering a diagnostic face reading for the newborn using a smartphone app with no need to conduct a blood test or any other specialized analyses.
In addition, Fujairah Hospital is providing a stroke services project, one of the most developing AI-based projects at MoHAP’s hospitals. It is an electronic unit for the care of stroke patients and standardizes the treatment services provided.
Thalassemia Department and Nuclear Medicine
For his part, HE Dr. Yousuf Mohammed Al-Serkal said: “The Thalassemia and the Nuclear Medicine Departments in the hospital provides the best services for patients in these fields, pointing to the expansion of the accident and emergency department to increase the capacity by improving and developing patients waiting room, and increasing the number of critical cases rooms to meet their requirement according to the certified standerds.”
Visiting Fujairah Dental Center
Also, Al Olama, accompanied Dr. Al-Serkal, toured the Fujairah Dental Center, where he was briefed on the center’s operational plan and met with staff members.
During his visit, Al Olama emphasized the importance of enhancing efforts to meet patients’ needs, highlighting MoHAP’s plans for providing all the support to health centers to ensure the provision of distinctive health services.
This can be achieved by providing the appropriate medical staff, implementing an electronic work environment, and achieving job satisfaction.
At the end of his visit, Al Olama lauded the efforts exerted by the administrative and medical staff, urging them to provide the best services as per approved standards.
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