Consulting the Public on the User Experience of Public Health Services (Quarter 1 of 2023)
An experienced team of researchers analyze the user testing sessions, starting from general observations to feedback and comments, and track the eye movement of participants. And that plays a crucial role in improving and providing exceptional user experiences. After each Session, the findings are raised to the stakeholders of the service to provide the necessary support to improve the overall customer's journey using the different digital platforms of the ministry.
The document available below includes all the outcomes and actions implemented based on the inputs.
About the Campaign
The User Experience (UX) lab invited people from different medical and pharmaceutical facilities to try the services using the website and mobile application and observe their behavior, and record their feedback and comments regarding the following services :
- Renewal of a License to Practice as a Doctor
- Renewal of Licenses for Nursing and Medical Professionals
- Changing Establishment Information for Private Health Facilities
- Changing the Name of Private Health Facilities
- Changing the Technical Director of Private Health Facility
- Adding a Partner in Private Medical Facility
- Adding a Specialty to Private Medical Facility Services
- Issue of a Birth Certificate (Mobile Application)
- Licensing of Pharmaceutical Facilities
- Request for a List of Pharmaceutical Establishments in the UAE
- Change the Name of Pharmaceutical Establishment
- Relocation of Pharmaceutical Establishment
- Canceling the License of Private Pharmaceutical Establishment
- Re-licensing a Pharmaceutical institution
- Issue of a 24-Hour Pharmacy Work Permit
- Changing the Licensed Ownership
- Changing the type pf medical activity
- Changing the Location of a Private Medical Facility
Campaign Brief and Details
The UX Lab tested 18 services during quarter one of 2023. The main objective was to find the challenges that the users are facing during the application process of these services.
Register in the link provided in the UX Lab Homepage.
Contact Information
The participants get a call and an conformation email sent by the Ministry. For any inquiries kindly contact
No comments available for this consultation
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