Projects and Initiatives
This section contains the list of initiatives and projects launched by the Ministry of Health and Prevention, which aligned the state plans, programs, policies, and legislation to achieve happiness and positivity in the community.
This section includes questions related to:
- Services
- eServices
- General daily base queries
Open Data
This section contains several files for many data and information pertaining to MOHAP in several areas. This information is accessible in the form of open data that provides data to the user in a transparent and seamless way, most of which are available in easy-to-use formats such as PDF and Excel.
In this section, you'll find links for communication channels with MOHAP, and various social networking sites such as Facebook and X. You can give your opinion over the topics discussed in the Discussion Window or in polls. These participations aim to engage the public in the decision-making process and the development of government policies. You can also use You Ask and we answer feature or Tweet us for Help during official work hours.
Using Maps
The map gives you directions on how to reach MOHAP Head office in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, Hospitals, and Centers in each of the seven emirates.
Here, you can find a list of the major upcoming events of MOHAP.
The search feature is another method helping you access the information you need. You can write the search phrase in the field at the top of the page to search the MOHAP website for Services, Open Data, and News etc.
In this section, you can submit your interest for various openings in MOHAP.
Media Center
Media Center provides access to media galleries and other media-related reports and content.
Social media share
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