Health Guidelines during Hajj

Maintaining healthy behaviors is essential to perform the Hajj rituals safely. Check these health guidelines to assist you in having a healthy Hajj experience.

Healthy Pilgrimage

A pilgrim's personal bag should have all essentials needed for the trip, including personal hygiene products, an umbrella, worship items such as a prayer mat and rosary, as well as hand sanitizer and sunscreen.

Prepare for Hajj

  • Make sure you get all the necessary vaccinations at least 15 days before travel to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Ensure having essential personal care products such as towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.
  • Visit a doctor at least 1 month before travelling to review your health status and assess any potential risks during the pilgrimage.
  • Make sure to carry the required medicines based on the doctor’s advice. For chronic diseases, it is recommended to carry medicines for an extra three days after the scheduled time of travel.

Managing fatigue during Hajj

Many pilgrims experience heat exhaustion or heatstroke as a result of standing and walking for a long period of time in the sun when the temperature is high.


  • Headache
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Dryness and redness of the skin
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Tachycardia
  • Difficulty in swallowing and breathing
  • Unconsciousness

How to avoid

  • Avoid direct exposure to sun
  • Use light-colored umbrellas.
  • Drink enough water to replace lost fluids
  • Sit in shade and cool areas
  • Get enough sleep and rest
  • Do not rush to perform the rituals of Hajj to avoid fatigue

Health nutrition during Hajj

  • Do not buy uncovered foods.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating them.
  • Check the food expiration date before eating it and read the labels to know their contents and nutritional value.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before eating.
  • Do not store cooked food at room temperature for more than two hours as this leads to bacterial growth which increases the possibility of food poisoning.
  • Eat meals regularly to maintain your energy levels and avoid fatigue.
  • Do not consume large quantities of energy-boosting drinks such as coffee and tea as they cause dehydration and extreme thirst.

Prevention of infection during Hajj

Pilgrims performing the Hajj are at risk of various health problems due to the large number of people. It is essential to follow a healthy routine during Hajj.


Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, use sunscreen, stay in a shaded area and use an umbrella. Drink plenty of water and fluids to replace lost sweat

Stay away from anyone showing symptoms of infections or skin rashes, and inform the concerned authorities.

Refrain from touching your nose, mouth and eyes, and adhere to cough and sneeze etiquette.

Consider wearing masks when in a crowd to stay away from respiratory infections.

Ensure the safety and cleanliness of the food consumed to prevent gastrointestinal infections.

Wash or sanitise your hands frequently, especially after touching surfaces, using the washroom and before eating.


First Aid during Hajj

Keep your first aid kit ready before the day of sacrifice in case emergency situations arise.​ It's important to include certain items in your first aid kit, like:

  • Cold and fever medicines
  • Antiseptics, antipyretics, pain relievers
  • Headache medications
  • Muscle spasm medications
  • Ointments for insect stings, abrasions, and sunburn
  • Allergy medications
  • Masks
  • Medical adhesive
  • Thermometer, BP monitors and glucometer

After Hajj

After returning from Hajj get enough rest, drink plenty of fluids. If you develop fever and cough that interfere with your daily activities during the first two weeks after your return, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Consult a doctor
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue while coughing or sneezing and wash your hands regularly
  • Avoid close contacts with others to avoid infecting them

Frequently Asked Questions

It is recommended to carry a bracelet around the wrist with your name, age, diagnosis, and type of treatment. Avoid overcrowded areas and always carry the emergency nebulizer.

Provide first aid, if possible, by taking the necessary precautions, inform the authorities concerned, or visit the nearest health center immediately.

  • COVID-19
  • Neisseria meningitides
  • Poliovirus
  • Yellow fever
  • Seasonal flu vaccine
  • Cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing.
  • Use tissues and discard in trash bins after use.
  • Consider wearing masks in crowded places.

Give a lot of fluids with vitamin C, such as lemon or orange juice.

Let him/her bend slightly forward while sitting or standing, press the nose from the cartilaginous part (for at least five minutes for children, and 10 to 15 minutes for adults), and use cold compresses or an ice pack. If the bleeding does not stop, visit a health center immediately.

Rest and lift the affected area and place ice bags to prevent swelling and relieve pain. You can also take painkillers to relieve the pain. Consult a doctor immediately if symptoms don’t subside.

Raise the blood sugar by, for example, drinking sweetened juice or two tablespoons of honey, or a meal with carbohydrates. If first aid doesn’t help or the patient does not respond, he/she must be transferred to the hospital as soon as possible.

Muscle fatigue has several causes, the most important of which are poor physical fitness, excessive tiredness, and not eating healthy foods.

Take frequent showers and change clothes.

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after eating, after using the restroom, and after sneezing and coughing.
  • Never spit on the ground as it may spread infectious diseases.
  • Use tissues while sneezing and coughing.

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