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The Ministry of Health and Prevention was awarded a 4 star rating by the Global Star Rating System for Services on 14/04/2022
The campaign aims to make positive lifestyle changes and to early detect cardiovascular disease-related risk factors including; smoking, malnutrition, inactivity and stress.
The program is under the operational plan initiatives aims to achieve the National Indicators for the reduction of mortality due to cardiovascular disease, by selecting groups of students to serve as awareness ambassadors for cardiovascular health in their schools, neighborhood and the local community to disseminate and promote concepts and practices supporting cardiovascular health.
Student Growth Record in its first phase will support the national program to combat obesity in children and adolescents. It will highlight cases of obesity annually among school children between the ages of five and 17 and provide information on the dietary habits and level of physical activity of every child.
In line with the Ministry of Health and Prevention’s (MOHAP) efforts to provide quality health services to ensure the welfare of the elderly; to promote their integration into the society; and to gain insights from their experiences, the Ministry’s Hospital Sector has launched the Ownak Initiative. The initiative aims to develop preventive, curative and promotional services for the elderly across the Ministry’s facilities. This is aimed at facilitating and expediting the delivery of health services to older individuals in all facilities of the Ministry, thereby ensuring their access to integrated health care.
The Help Me Hear initiative aims to assist non-citizens and low-income hearing-impaired children by carrying out cochlear planting operations in line with the framework of the Ministry's initiatives in celebration of the ‘Year of Zayed 2018. For more information, click here
The National Periodic Health and Cancer Screening initiatives to focus on reducing the prevalence of other non-communicable diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease (CVD) and osteoporosis, in the UAE.
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