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15th Jul, 2024
   National Survey for Health and Nutrition 2024

Aligned with the UAE's vision of enhancing the healthcare sector and ensuring the well-being of its residents, the National Survey for Health and Nutrition 2024 is a key initiative that aims to collect detailed and accurate data on the country's health and nutritional status. This extensive survey will provide valuable insights that will drive the development of effective policies and strategies in healthcare.

The National Survey for Health and Nutrition 2024 is conducted in two segments – The national health survey and the national nutrition survey.

National Health Survey

The National Health Survey is a large-scale study aimed at collecting essential health indicators across the UAE. This survey is crucial for gaining insights into the overall health of the population and understanding the prevalent health conditions within the community.

  • Detailed, reliable field data on the health status of UAE residents is collected.
  • The national census approach follows the highest international standards for data quality.
  • Health database is updated with the latest information.
  • Health performance indicators are regularly monitored.

National Nutrition Survey

The National Nutrition Survey focuses on understanding the dietary habits and nutritional status of the UAE population. This survey supports policymakers in creating effective nutrition-related strategies and policies.

  • Comprehensive field data on the nutritional status of UAE residents is collected.
  • Data is used in the planning and implementation of food health policies.
  • The national nutrition database is regularly updated with current data.

Methodology of Data Collection

The data collection process for both surveys is meticulously planned to ensure accuracy and reliability. This involves conducting interviews with selected samples during field visits and implementing surveys authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and local health authorities. To accommodate diverse populations, surveys are provided in multiple languages, including Arabic, English, Hindi, and Urdu. Additionally, online surveys are designed to streamline data collection and analysis, enhancing the efficiency and comprehensiveness of the data gathered.

The National Survey for Health and Nutrition 2024 focuses on a data-driven improvement in the healthcare sector, contributing towards achieving the UAE’s goal of a healthier, more vibrant community.

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