Treatment Abroad
About this service
Service process
Login to the MoHAP website or smart app using the UAE PASS
Review and ensure that all the documents have been attached.
The authority concerned will prepare the file for submission to the Medical Committee for the treatment abroad.
The applicant will be notified of the Committee's decision.
Required documents
Copy of a recent medical report issued by a government hospital in the UAE.
Copy of the patient's passport.
Copy of the patient's ID card.
Copy of the citizenship (family book).
Conditions and requirements
Unavailability of appropriate treatment in the health establishments authorized by the Ministry.
Emergency medical treatment required while travelling abroad.
Service completion duration
5 working days
Service fees
Service channels
- MOHAP website:
- MOHAP smart app
SDGs goals
Service locations
- MOHAP Website -
- MOHAP Smart App
- Email:
- Email:
- Call Center: 80011111
Payment channels
- None - service is free
Target audience
Patients (all age groups) UAE Nationals
Service category
Sub service category
Citizen services
Main service
Treatment Abroad
Service code
Service classification
- Government to customer
Service type
Number of transactions
This service is limited to UAE nationals
This service accepts documents authenticated with the UAE PASS Digital Seal.
Service completion duration
5 working days
Service fees
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