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Content is retrieved from Sharik
15th Nov, 2014
Healthcare Issues

The executive office for the GCC Health Ministers Council launched the health media Gulf excellence Third award and increased its value from $ 50-$100 thousand US Dollars to include eight fields and broaden its participation in the entire gulf region. The award is an annual award that has been initiative five years ago by the executive office.

The theme of the award this year is “prevention from obesity” whereas the participation’s topics include the best: awareness poster, health webpage, social media networking, short TV and radio messages, website, comprehensive media campaign and e-applications.

In this regard, Dr. Fadheela Al Sherif, Director of health education and promotion department at the Ministry of Health and member of the GCC health awareness and media committee said: “The award aims for creating innovation among the health employees to raise health awareness and attract both public and private sector to participate in producing messages that would reveal health awareness. The award also aims for increasing competitiveness among the employees of the health awareness and media field to enhance health protection”.

Dr. Al Sherif, also stated that the award aims for enhancing participation with the media organizations and support their role in producing health awareness programs in the Gulf region. The award ceremony will be organized in Riyadh next February on the sidelines of the GCC health ministers meeting. The health education and promotion department in the Ministry of Health encourages all public and private sectors to participate in the UAE.

She also emphasized that general standards of the award are summarized as follows: all works must talk about the prevention of obesity and have complete technical elements. They also should carry new or creative ideas and discuss the development of a well-known idea.

All public and private organizations can participate in the award in addition to the individual creativities of locals and expatriates on condition they serve the field of health education and promotion. Participants must submit their works by latest 10-12-2014 to the health education and promotion department in the UAE ministry of health location.

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